Billing Audit and Recovery Service
“As corporate America struggled with the complexity of telecom vendor and expense management, InteleSystems built a business out of providing solutions to these issues long before it was widely accepted as a specialized niche.”
Billing Audit and Recovery Service (BARS)
Managing the constant change and maintenance of a company-wide telecommunications network in today’s “need it now” world is enough to keep most telecom staffs fully engaged in project-to-project activity. Monitoring and analyzing the accuracy of the many billing statements that come in every month is an important element in telecom management that is the most often put on the back burner. InteleSystems’ Billing Audit & Recovery Service (BARS) provides a service to track billing accuracy and identify overcharges or charges that are improperly billed based on your contract with your service provider.
Be On The Receiving End of A Check From Your Vendor
Our objective is simple: Identify billing errors in our clients’ favor and secure refunds in the form of an account credit or refund check. Even in the rare case where refunds are not obtainable, there are always expense items either reduced or eliminated as a result of BARS.
We Do The “Dirty” Work
We perform a combination of contract analysis, computer analysis, and old fashioned number crunching in order to isolate and verify potential overcharges. This is complex and tedious work, but there is no other way. When we have verified the potential for the recovery, we take it up with the vendor and negotiate on your behalf.
The Time Is Now
Almost every telecom service is subject to either a state or federal Statute of Limitations applicable to recovery of past telephone billing overcharges. In recent years some of the service providers have also inserted “go-back” limitations. As time passes by these conditions can limit the potential for services that are no longer in use and could have realized a greater recovery.
Go With The Pro — A Business Built on Getting The Money Back
InteleSystems’ founding legacy is cost reduction and recovery and our processes are highly evolved. Our variance setting controls enable us to quickly load data and report exceptions to identify opportunities. We navigate the technical, conditional, and legal basis for compelling the service providers to credit and refund service accounts. Experience what over 25 years of experience can do for your business.
For more information about our services contact us: info@intelesystems.com