“Without financial integrity in the
service partner relationship – there is no integrity.”
– David Bower, CEO InteleSystems
More often than not, a customer’s relationship with its service provider’s financial value is presumed to be aligned
with fairness, respect and mutual accountability. You must Inspect, To Expect.
Cost Management Services
House all expenses and inventory
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Overhaul of all telecom services
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Track billing accuracy and charges
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Professional Services
Telefficiency Report
Measurement and benchmarking
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Contract Management
Store and manage contracts
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Contract Audit
Audit new or existing contracts
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“We’ve Got You Covered.”
Our services are constructed in a manner that puts us firmly entrenched with the interests of our clients. Whether it’s the CIO, the IT Director, a Telecom Manager, or a specialist in Accounts Payables, our clients know whose side we’re on.
We look forward to working with your associates and applying InteleSystems’ brand of telecom management to your enterprise telecom challenges and efficiency goals.
C-Level Executive Manager
Senior IT Manager
(VP, Director IT Infrastructure)
IT Financial Manager
Requires a high-level view of total IT communications costs, budget status, status of contract obligations, major projects completed or in process, major service impacting events, total cost reduction status, and service value ROI.
A more detailed summary of ITCOM costs, G/L allocation management, contracted services design, project reporting, vendor management, cost management (Reduction, Recovery, Retention) reporting, service impacting events, status of major billing disputes, specific invoice approvals and levels.
Micro-Cost allocation and reporting design to quickly identify and verify anticipated and/or unforeseen costs. Contract management solution revealing status of all financial obligations. Precise business unit, budget, G/L, cost center spend reporting.
IT/Network Services Manager
Procurement Manager
Accounts Payable/Finance Manager
Service order (procurement) management, reporting design and delivery, cost allocation compliance, invoice approvals and design. Gains expertise in contract management and price benchmarking, monitors cost reduction, recovery, and elimination projects without absorbing valuable resource time on non-core service infrastructure delivery obligations.
Service provider sourcing, general as well as service specific contract terms and conditions. Service specific rate benchmarking, competitive strategies and options to minimize risk and maximize service return.
Maintains all finance payables standards and requirements, Eliminates all ITCOM payables processing, cost allocation requests, approval requests and routing. Gains summary and detailed reporting and immediate access to invoice detail and hard copy image. Notified of all approved invoices and data processed into payables system while controlling payment.

Save Share Rewards
InteleSystems is excited to introduce SaveShare Rewards – a unique program designed to benefit InteleSystems’ customer’s business and reward their employees. InteleSystems’ customer employees are core team partners that work together to achieve the goals of the project and improve their company. The inspiration for SaveShare was based on InteleSystems appreciation for its customer team members and stake holders, and the mutual commitment to meaningful success in cost reduction, recovery, and containment.
What is Save Share Rewards?
Partnering with Corporate Rewards, the leader in customer loyalty and employee recognition programs, $ave$hare essentially adopts the airline frequent flyer mileage and hotel frequent stay points model by enabling InteleSystems’ customer employees to earn and redeem points through participation in efforts to implement InteleSystems’ cost savings initiatives. Aimed at rewarding the specific internal customer employees that help achieve the cost reduction opportunity, redeemable $ave$hare Rewards are accrued by contributing a “share” of the cost savings achieved by the project.
How Does It Work?
One of the most attractive features about $ave$hare Rewards is its simplicity. InteleSystems’ customer company identifies the $ave$hare contribution levels and InteleSystems’ established project management system coupled with Corporate Rewards redemption process does the rest.
Upon successful completion of a project and its quantified savings results, the $ave$hare Reward accounts are funded from InteleSystems service fees that are its “share” of the savings. The employee(s) designated as $ave$hare Rewards recipients then simply log on to their assigned account and redeem their award from hundreds of merchant options.
Why SaveShare™ Rewards?
“A Penny Saved Is A Penny Earned”. It’s a simple concept – for most businesses there are still only 2 ways to generate profit – profitable sales, or reduced costs. However, in the real world of most company’s business strategies, cost savings is often a second class citizen to revenue generating sales. Virtually every company in the world has a sales force, a commission/bonus plan for sales employees, recognition programs, and quotas, all designed to generate revenues that generate profits.
Despite cost savings initiatives having the same affect on the bottom-line, very, few companies have incentive plans for employees to increase profits by reducing administrative costs. Often times cost reduction or containment is a presumed expectation of employees while lacking any processes or measurement formulas. Many worthwhile cost reduction projects involve operational or behavioral change that adds resistance to the unrewarded extra effort. No cultural, “mission” type message to pursue cost reduction, no financial incentives, no recognition incentives, extra work, institutional resistance, and what if something goes wrong? These conditions underscore the value in a program focused on cost reduction as a means to achieve profits.
How Do We Get Started?
Simply contact your Project Manager or contact info@intelesystems.com to request information.